What conditions can Chiropractors help with?
The usual suspects ~ Low back pain, sciatica, mid back pain, neck pain, headaches, jaw pain & postural tension.
Just as guilty ~ shoulder, elbow, wrist pain and tendinopathies. Hip, knee, ankle pain, sport sprains and strains.
What should I wear?
Whatever is comfortable, ideally something that allows full movement. There’s no need to wear a gown or get undressed unless you have a skin lesion you need investigated.
What is it? The popping sound when being adjusted is a natural build up of gas being released from the joint.
Love it or hate it? Let me know and I can use a technique better suited to you.
DO I NEED TO BRING X-rays and imaging reports?
Your health history provides valuable insight into directing further treatment and investigations so please bring any X-rays, MRI, or Ultrasound reports you have with you to your appointment.
How many appointments will I need?
How long you take advantage of chiropractic care is always up to you. Your schedule of care starts with a trial of care. We want to shift the emphasis from treating pain to promoting power but If we’re not seeing improvements, you may need to be sent for further investigations or to a practitioner better suited to you.
does Medicare and HICAPS cover my consultation?
Your chiropractic treatment may be covered by medicare with an Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan. All patients who have had a condition for more than three months may be eligible for 5 chiropractic visits on this EPC plan. Talk to your GP about getting an EPC Referral.
HICAPS is available at the practice which means you can claim your private health insurance rebate when you pay on the day of your treatment.